Upchurch, Addie 28/178
Upchurch, Bayman 64c/178
Upchurch, Bidia 64c/178
Upchurch, Dorothy 64c/178
Upchurch, Geo 28/178
Upchurch, Mangum 64c/178
Upchurch, Mary A. 190/179
Upchurch, W. L. 64c/178
Utley, Alton J. 1/180
Utley, Marvin B. 1/180
Utley, Marvin B. Jr. 1/180
Utley, May 1/180
Utley, Sue 1/180
Uzzell, Elizabeth 298/180
Uzzell, Francis 298/180
Uzzell, Lula C. 298/180
Uzzell, Major W. 298/180
Uzzell, Pauline 298/180
Uzzell, Valeria 298/180
Uzzell, William 293/180
Valines, Adolpus 216/182
Valines, Dora 216/182
Valines, Henry 216/182
Valines, James A. 216/182
Valines, Jefferson 216/182
Valines, Louisia 216/182
Valines, Nora 216/182
Valines, Sanada/Samatha 216/182
Vanetta, Earl Jr. 197/179
Vanetta, Earl S. 197/179
Vanetta, John 197/179
Vanetta, Junnie 197/179
Vanhook, Berta 75/177
Vanhook, Bessie 272*/185
Vanhook, Bullah 126/177
Vanhook, Caline 126/177
Vanhook, Daniel 164/176
Vanhook, Dossie 164/176
Vanhook, Ethel 75/177
Vanhook, Etta 272*/185
Vanhook, Eula F. 164/176
Vanhook, Fannie 272*/185
Vanhook, Frank 75/177
Vanhook, George 75/177
Vanhook, George W. 272*/185
Vanhook, Hariet 53c/178
Vanhook, Hossie 272*/185
Vanhook, James E. 164/176
Vanhook, Joe 75/177
Vanhook, John H. 164/176
Vanhook, Jon 53c/178
Vanhook, Lara 272*/185
Vanhook, Lillian 53c/178
Vanhook, Lillie 75/177
Vanhook, Lillie M. 164/176
Vanhook, Lizzie 164/176
Vanhook, Luther 272*/185
Vanhook, Luther A. 75/177
Vanhook, Mabel 15/185
Vanhook, Maben 126/177
Vanhook, Maggie 126/177
Vanhook, Minne 164/176
Vanhook, Motenia 126/177
Vanhook, Robert H. 53/177
Vanhook, Rosa 119/184
Vanhook, Roy 53/177
Vanhook, Sallie 126/177
Vanhook, Sallie B. 53/177
Vanhook, Vergia 15/185
Vanhook, Viola 75/177
Vanhook, William 15/185
Vanhook, Young 126/177
Varner, Bruce 55c/178
Varner, Dewey 23/183
Varner, Fannie 55c/178
Varner, James D. 222/180
Varner, Lucile 55c/178
Varner, Mary 23/183
Varner, R. H. 55c/178
Varner, Sarah J. 222/180
Vascar, Estes 179/183
Vaughn, ---lie(?) D. 246/176
Vaughn, ---ynard(?) W. 246/176
Vaughn, Bartlett 176/181
Vaughn, Bertha 176/181
Vaughn, Carl C. 67/184
Vaughn, Francis 176/181
Vaughn, Georgia 44/183
Vaughn, Georgianna 50/181
Vaughn, Hugh T. 246/176
Vaughn, Irving R. 246/176
Vaughn, James 176/181
Vaughn, Jennie 256/176
Vaughn, Levi 176/181
Vaughn, Lillian E. 246/176
Vaughn, Lydia 67/184
Vaughn, Maud L. 246/176
Vaughn, Maxine D. 67/184
Vaughn, Pauline D. 67/184
Vaughn, Thomas E. 67/184
Vaughn, Wildon M. 246/176
Veasey, Helen, 257/180
Veasey, Walter H. P. 257/180
Veasey, Walter R. 257/180
Venable, Frances P. 323/180
Venable, Francis P. 323/180
Venable, Louis M. 323/180
Venable, Sallie M. 323/180
Verney, Mary E. 363/180
Vialins, Chetla 19/176
Vialins, Elizabeth 19/176
Vialins, Ethel C. 19/176
Vialins, Fate 19/176
Villines, Lula 273*/185
Villines, Thomas L. 273*/185
Vincent, Adeline 185/183
Vincent, Ann 42/177
Vincent, Annie E. 185/183
Vincent, Annie P. 114/177
Vincent, Bertha 221/176
Vincent, Carrie 224/184
Vincent, Charles M. 185/183
Vincent, Charlie 221/176
Vincent, Charlie J. 114/177
Vincent, Clyd W. 221/176
Vincent, Edward 281/183
Vincent, Estell 221/176
Vincent, Hellen E. 114/177
Vincent, Henry 142/181
Vincent, James E. 114/177
Vincent, James W. 185/183
Vincent, Jamy 221/176
Vincent, Janie L. 42/177
Vincent, Jasper 185/183
Vincent, Joe J. 221/176
Vincent, Lacey 42/177
Vincent, Lee 185/183
Vincent, Lewis 59/181
Vincent, Lucey V. 224/184
Vincent, Lucile 42/177
Vincent, Maggie 218/184
Vincent, Mary L. 221/176
Vincent, Michael 142/181
Vincent, Millie 224/184
Vincent, Myrtle 42/177
Vincent, Norah 142/181
Vincent, Odell 221/176
Vincent, Richard 281/183
Vincent, Robena 218/184
Vincent, Sarah K. 185/183
Vincent, Shade 218/184
Vincent, Solomon 224/176
Vincent, Susan 281/183
Vincent, Swanie 42/177
Vincent, Thomas 221/176
Vincent, Thomas C. 224/184
Vincent, Utha 42/177
Vincent, Viola 224/184
Vincent, Willie 281/183
Vincent, Winfred 185/183
Violens, Glover F. 31/176
Violens, Henry C. 31/176
Violens, Hugh N. 31/176
Violens, Ira F. 31/176
Violens, Lillie 31/176
Violens, Thomas 31/176
Violens, Tom 31/176
Violins, Eva E. 202/176
Violins, Hawood 202/176
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