Index to the 1920 Federal Census of Orange County, North Carolina
Sadler, Clyde 24/182
Sadler, Effie 24/182
Sadler, J. H. 24/182
Sadler, John H. 24/182
Sadler, Maude 24/182
Sales, Flora 31/177
Sales, John 31/177
Sales, Lucind 31/177
Sales, Richmond 31/177
Sally, Fannie M. 109/176
Sally, Hubert H. 109/176
Sally, James I. 109/176
Sally, John A. 109/176
Sally, Mary I. 109/176
Sally, Robert A. 109/176
Samlle(?), Mary 197/182
Sanders, Fannie 157/181
Sanders, Frank 157/181
Sanders, Hubert 157/181
Sanders, Mary 157/181
Sanders, Robert 157/181
Sanford, Fred V. 231/180
Sanford, George L. 231/180
Sanford, Katie B. 231/180
Sanford, Louis M. 227/180
Sanford, Mamie 231/180
Sanford, Maude M. 227/180
Sanford, Nettie 231/180
Sanford, Reid W. 231 /180
Sanford, Reid W. 231/180
Sanford, Sarah E. 231/180
Sanford, William T. 227/180
Sartin, Annie B. 258/176
Sartin, Cora E. 258/176
Sartin, Eddie J. 258/176
Sartin, Fannie 82/176
Sartin, Garland R. 258/176
Sartin, George H. 258/176
Sartin, Haywood 258/176
Sartin, Henry 82/176
Sartin, Jim 82/176
Sartin, Johnston 82/176
Sartin, Lizzie 82/176
Sartin, Nettie L. 258/176
Sartin, Zriank(?) 82/176
Saterfield, Aira E. 162/176
Saterfield, Andrew 101/176
Saterfield, Carrie 101/176
Saterfield, Hazel I. 162/176
Saterfield, Hilda 162/176
Saterfield, Hubert A. 162/176
Saterfield, John D. 162/176
Saterfield, Octavia 101/176
Saterfield, Sam 101/176
Satterfield, (------) 169/183
Satterfield, Ann 213/183
Satterfield, Anna L. 231/177
Satterfield, Annie E. 169/183
Satterfield, Bun 213/183
Satterfield, Fleetwood 231/177
Satterfield, Francis T. 231/177
Satterfield, Haywood 201/183
Satterfield, James C. 169/183
Satterfield, Maggie 169/183
Satterfield, Malina 201/183
Satterfield, Mary M. 169/183
Satterfield, Sarah J. 231/177
Satterfield, Sue 231/177
Satterfield, Virginia 372/183
Saunders, Ben 116/183
Saunders, Lee 116/183
Saunders, May 235/184
Sawyer, Samuel 254/176
Scarlett, Annie 31/183
Scarlett, Augusta 28/182
Scarlett, Calvin 83/179
Scarlett, Elija E. 83/179
Scarlett, Elisha 111/182
Scarlett, Ella 83/179
Scarlett, Hall 39/179
Scarlett, Herbert 83/179
Scarlett, Irwin 31/183
Scarlett, Jake/John 28/182
Scarlett, James 122/182
Scarlett, James 192/182
Scarlett, Laurah 39/179
Scarlett, Lee Allen 192/182
Scarlett, Lewis 83/179
Scarlett, Lulu 192/182
Scarlett, Luna 122/182
Scarlett, Luvenia 192/182
Scarlett, Martha 111/182
Scarlett, Martha 28/182
Scarlett, Mary 111/182
Scarlett, Mary 192/182
Scarlett, Mildred 83/179
Scarlett, Odell 192/182
Scarlett, Reldiue 83/179
Scarlett, Robt 366/183
Scarlett, Sadie 192/182
Scarlett, Savanna 192/182
Scarlett, Thelma 366/183
Scarlett, Walter(?) 31/183
Scarlett, William 192/182
Scarlett, William 39/179
Schoeller, H. R. 329/180
Scoggins, Gertrude P. 69&/180
Scott, Allen 123/179
Scott, Annie E. 146/176
Scott, Barbara F. 237/177
Scott, Blanch 27/183
Scott, Bullah L. 146/176
Scott, Celia J. 94/184
Scott, Charlie 187/177
Scott, Clyde 132/181
Scott, Clyde H. 49/184
Scott, Curtis 94/184
Scott, E. G. 132/181
Scott, Emily A. 49/184
Scott, Eugene 132/181
Scott, Hal T. 146/176
Scott, Henry 187/177
Scott, James Ed 5/181
Scott, Joe S. 139/176
Scott, John 27/183
Scott, Julius C. 94/184
Scott, Julius O. 94/184
Scott, Lee H. 146/176
Scott, Lila E. 146/176
Scott, Lizzie 187/177
Scott, Louis 139/176
Scott, Lucy 123/179
Scott, Margarett 122c/178
Scott, Marion S. 123/179
Scott, Mary E. 49/184
Scott, Nelia A. 5/181
Scott, Nora 27/183
Scott, Pattie 187/177
Scott, Pete 132/181
Scott, Sallie 132/181
Scott, Sallie Lu 139/176
Scott, Sudie 5/181
Scott, Tate 132/181
Scott, Thomas 27/183
Scott, Thomas 5/181
Scott, Vance 27/183
Scott, William 123/179
Scott, William J. 237/177
Scurlock, Charles 78@/182
Scurlock, David 78@/182
Scurlock, Eli 78@/182
Scurlock, Geo 78@/182
Scurlock, Grover 78@/182
Scurlock, James 78@/182
Scurlock, Kizi 78@/182
Scurlock, Lena 78@/182
Scurlock, Maggie 78@/182
Scurlock, Naomi 78@/182
Scurlock, Paul 78@/182
Scurlock, Samuel 78@/182
Scurlock, Walker/Walter 78@/182
Scurlock, Walter 78@/182
Searce, Ellen May 162/184
Searce, Herman B. 162/184
Searce, Lenard L. 162/184
Searce, Shirly M. 162/184
Sears, Harriet 121#/181
Sebastian, Charley 119#/181
Sechrise, Clarence E. 245/176
Sechrise, Clarence E. 245/176
Sechrise, Corrie B. 245/176
Sechrise, Everett W. 245/176
Sechrise, Norman H. 245/176
Secrise, Morrie L. 245/176
Self, Mary 144c/178
Sellars, Addie 199/178
Sellars, Bazil 199/178
Sellars, Charles 199/178
Sellars, Charlie Jr. 199/178
Sellars, Rebecca 199/178
Senior, Archie 144/181
Senior, Bettie 144/181
Senior, Clarice 144/181
Senior, Daisy 144/181
Senior, J. S. 144/181
Senior, James 144/181
Senior, Mason 144/181
Sessom, Alice 133/183
Sessom, Buster 133/183
Sessom, Eva 133/183
Sessom, Gladdice 133/183
Sessom, Lucirl(?) 133/183
Sessom, Lula 133/183
Sessom, Walter 133/183
Shack, Bittie 127/177
Shack, Clarence K. 78/177
Shack, Rosa B. 127/177
Shack, William M. 78/177
Shadrick, Clement R. 104/184
Shadrick, Edmond 104/184
Shadrick, Sheppard 104/184
Shadrick, Sheppard Jr. 104/184
Shadrick, Susan R. 104/184
Shambley, Albert 12/182
Shambley, Bessie 340/181
Shambley, Charity 12/182
Shambley, Clarence 193/180
Shambley, Cricket 340/181
Shambley, Danny 149$/181
Shambley, Dorothy 166$/181
Shambley, Edna 166$/181
Shambley, Essie 340/181
Shambley, Ethel 340/181
Shambley, Ethel 37/179
Shambley, Eula 149$/181
Shambley, George 149$/181
Shambley, Herbert 37/179
Shambley, Horrace 37/179
Shambley, J. H. 166$/181
Shambley, Lilly 166$/181
Shambley, M. S. 340/181
Shambley, Mamie 149$/181
Shambley, Martha 12/182
Shambley, Mary 37/179
Shambley, Monrow 149$/181
Shambley, Monta 163$/181
Shambley, Murphy 340/181
Shambley, Norrie 12/182
Shambley, Pauline 37/179
Shambley, Sidney 163$/181
Shambley, Thomas 166$/181
Shambley, W. Louis (?) 37/179
Shambley, William 12/182
Shamblin, Fannie 97/181
Shamblin, Fletcher 97/181
Shamblin, Murdock 97/181
Shamblin, Nora 97/181
Shambly, Caroline 48/182
Shambly, Daisey 48/182
Shambly, Lennar 48/182
Shambly, Norman 48/182
Shambly, William 48/182
Shanklin, Charley 246/181
Shanklin, Daisy 246/181
Shanklin, Gladys 258/181
Shanklin, Joe 258/181
Shanklin, John 246/181
Shanklin, Knox M. 372/183
Shanklin, Martha 246/181
Shanklin, Mary E. 372/183
Shanklin, Melvin 258/181
Shanklin, Nettie 258/181
Shanklin, Sam 246/181
Shanklin, Virginia N. 372/183
Shanklin, William A. 372/183
Shanklin, Willie C. 372/183
Sharp, Allie 54/182
Sharp, Annie M. 138/184
Sharp, Annie W. 398/183
Sharp, Arthur 398/183
Sharp, Beatrice 398/183
Sharp, Bryant 54/182
Sharp, Clarence J. 148/184
Sharp, Claud W. 148/184
Sharp, Claud W. Jr. 148/184
Sharp, Edward C. 138/184
Sharp, Frederick S. 138/184
Sharp, Jesse M. 398/183
Sharp, John E. 138/184
Sharp, John W. 51/179
Sharp, Joseph K. 16/177
Sharp, Julia M. 398/183
Sharp, Katherine E. 148/184
Sharp, Luther 63/179
Sharp, Mannie C. 398/183
Sharp, Margarett 87/179
Sharp, Mildred 63/179
Sharp, Nannie 51/179
Sharp, Oliva C. 398/183
Sharp, Paul 63/179
Sharp, Robert E. 138/184
Sharp, Sula 63/179
Sharp, Walter G. 398/183
Sharp, Walter O. 398/183
Sharp, Walter O. 87/179
Sharp, Warren 54/182
Sharp, William 16/177
Sharp, William 54/182
Sharp, William 63/179
Sharpe, Harrold 223/181
Sharpe, James M. 84/176
Sharpe, Mary E. 84/176
Sharpe, Nannie 15/181
Sharpe, Nellie 223/181
Sharpe, Ophelia L. 84/176
Sharpe, R. H. 15/181
Sharpe, Robert C. 223/181
Sharpe, William E. 15/181
Shaw, David A. 106%/177
Shaw, George 38/181
Shaw, George 41/181
Shaw, Gladys 41/181
Shaw, Jarvo 41/181
Shaw, Lula 38/181
Shaw, Mana 38/181
Shaw, Samuel 41/181
Shaw, Violet 38/181
Sheet, Helen R. 43&/180
Shellborne, Robert 298/180
Sherwin(?), George 230/181
Shine, Claudia P. 65/180
Shine, Lou S. 65/180
Shine, Willie, H. P. 65/180
Shivey, Anna M. 128/182
Shivey, Julia A. 128/182
Shivey, L. R. 128/182
Shivey, R. F. 128/182
Shock, Allie M. 87/177
Shock, Hazel A. 87/177
Shock, Will J. 87/177
Shock, Willie B. 87/177
Shoe, Abbie 149/181
Shoe, Allie 149/181
Shoe, Eddie 149/181
Shoe, Lawrence 149/181
Shoe, Lucy 149/181
Shoe, Mary 149/181
Shoe, Nora 149/181
Shoe, Susie 149/181
Shue, Bell O. 162/183
Shue, James M. 162/183
Shue, Louila 162/183
Shue, Thomas E. 162/183
Shumaker, Albert 180/182
Shumaker, Mabel 180/182
Shumaker, William 180/182
Sides(?), Edward B. 24/184
Simmey(?), Alexander B. 54/184
Simmey(?), Ola T. 54/184
Simmons, C. C. 86c/178
Simmons, Howard 86c/178
Simmons, Pearl 86c/178
Simmons, William 142/183
Simmons, William 43/183
Simpson, Fanny 173/182
Sims, Elizabeth 55/185
Sims, Wiley D. 55/185
Siney, Troy 152c/178
Sizemore, Delia Mary 117#/181
Sizemore, Ernest 117#/181
Sizemore, Leonard 117#/181
Sizemore, Lucy 117#/181
Sizemore, O. D. 117#/181
Sizemore, O. E. 117#/181
Sizemore, Thurmond 117#/181
Skeves, John F. 78/174
Slaughter, Afelia 228/185
Slaughter, Anie E. 249/185
Slaughter, Arther C. 228/185
Slaughter, Augusta E. 249/185
Slaughter, Dorsey R. 228/185
Slaughter, Elmo P. 228/185
Slaughter, Harvey A. 228/185
Slaughter, Indiana 249/185
Slaughter, Johnson 249/185
Slaughter, Lilla L. 249/185
Slaughter, Lillian V. 249/185
Slaughter, Mallie M. 249/185
Slaughter, Marth L. 228/185
Slaughter, Mary 249/185
Slaughter, Norman P. 228/185
Slaughter, Ohio J. 249/185
Slaughter, Otha 249/185
Slaughter, Samuel N. 228/185
Slaughter, Thomas W. 249/185
Slegall, Inez 86/182
Slegall, Joe 86/182
Slegall, Lonny 86/182
Slegall, Paul 86/182
Slegall, Talmadge 86/182
Sloan, A. H. 110c/178
Sloan, Cassie 110c/178
Sloan, Elva 110c/178
Sloan, Hellen 110c/178
Smedery(?), Henrietta 312/180
Smith, A. A. 304/181
Smith, A. L. 183/174
Smith, Ada F. 338/183
Smith, Addie 47/177
Smith, Adline 263/183
Smith, Albert 196/178
Smith, Alex 116/183
Smith, Alice 111/174
Smith, Allen 423/183
Smith, Alson C. 140/184
Smith, Alson Jr. 140/184
Smith, Amaziah 140/181
Smith, Angelin 71c/178
Smith, Annie 135/178
Smith, Annie 196/178
Smith, Annie C. 71/180
Smith, Annie H. 175/185
Smith, Annie J. 266/176
Smith, Annie L. 46/185
Smith, B. C. 81c/178
Smith, Bella 83c/178
Smith, Bennie 182/179
Smith, Bernice 18/180
Smith, Bertha 71/181
Smith, Bessie May 183/174
Smith, Betsy 228/181
Smith, Beulah 237/181
Smith, Birdie P. 70/180
Smith, Birtha 108/178
Smith, Booker 108/178
Smith, Bruce 60c/178
Smith, Burnise 111/174
Smith, Charles 108/178
Smith, Charles 116/183
Smith, Charles 162c/178
Smith, Charles Jr. 108/178
Smith, Charles L. 423/183
Smith, Charley 249/181
Smith, Chester 116/183
Smith, Clarence W. 139/181
Smith, Clarra 60/179
Smith, Clifford 111/174
Smith, David C. 18/180
Smith, Donna 60/179
Smith, Dora 338/183
Smith, Duncan 108/178
Smith, Early T. 175/185
Smith, Edna 81c/178
Smith, Effie 81c/178
Smith, Elbert M. 135/176
Smith, Eleanor H. 340/180
Smith, Elizabeth 69/181
Smith, Ellen F. 423/183
Smith, Emma 47/177
Smith, Ephrians W. 70/180
Smith, Ephrians W. Jr. 70/180
Smith, Ernest H. 70/180
Smith, Ernie 196/178
Smith, Ervin 47/177
Smith, Estell M. 46/185
Smith, Ester 245/181
Smith, Eugene 47/177
Smith, Fannie 237/181
Smith, Fannie E. 289/176
Smith, Fannie V. 140/184
Smith, Flora Bee 196/178
Smith, Floyd 60c/178
Smith, Francis 423/183
Smith, Fred 60/179
Smith, Fred C. 69/180
Smith, Fred C. III 71/180
Smith, Fred C. Jr. 71/180
Smith, George 263/183
Smith, George A. 140/184
Smith, George W. 217/176
Smith, German 60/179
Smith, Gertrude 225/181
Smith, Gertrude 69/181
Smith, Gilbert 225/181
Smith, Glinora 423/183
Smith, Gofur(?) 48/177
Smith, Grover C. 217/176
Smith, H. D. 71/181
Smith, H. D. Jr. 71/181
Smith, Hannah D. 175/185
Smith, Harland 237/181
Smith, Hattie 81c/178
Smith, Hazel 82c/178
Smith, Helen C. 71/180
Smith, Henry 196/178
Smith, Henry 263/183
Smith, Hettie 71/181
Smith, Hilder 111/174
Smith, Homer 69/181
Smith, Hoyt 111/174
Smith, Hubert H. 289/176
Smith, Ida M. 69/180
Smith, Ivey 423/183
Smith, J. D. 82c/178
Smith, J. E.100/178
Smith, J. M. 228/181
Smith, Jake M. 18/180
Smith, Jake R. 140/184
Smith, James 61/181
Smith, James R. 338/183
Smith, James W. 140/184
Smith, Jasper C. 217/176
Smith, Jennie C. 217/176
Smith, John C. 60c/178
Smith, John F. 220/176
Smith, John M. 69/181
Smith, John N. 174/185
Smith, Joseph 108/178
Smith, Joseph R. 336/183
Smith, Joseph W. 338/183
Smith, Josephine 71/181
Smith, Kathrin 48/177
Smith, Lacy J. 175/185
Smith, Laura 426/183
Smith, Laura B. 140/184
Smith, Lawrence H. 140/184
Smith, Lemuel R. 140/184
Smith, Lenard 111/174
Smith, Leonard M. 46/185
Smith, Lillie 47/177
Smith, Lilly 71/181
Smith, Lizzie 183/174
Smith, Lola 185/178
Smith, Lonnie 47/177
Smith, Louise 111/174
Smith, Louise 71/181
Smith, Lucile 108/178
Smith, Lucile 139/181
Smith, Maggie 47/177
Smith, Mamie L. 153/182
Smith, Manah 143/181
Smith, Margaret 423/183
Smith, Margerie 70/180
Smith, Marian 200c/178
Smith, Martha 137c/178
Smith, Martha 228/181
Smith, Martha E. 126/175
Smith, Martha J. 265/176
Smith, Martha J. 28/185
Smith, Mary 108/178
Smith, Mary 162c/178
Smith, Mary 61/181
Smith, Mary Alice 139/181
Smith, Mary Francis 111/174
Smith, Mary R. 47/177
Smith, Mary W. 336/183
Smith, Mattie M. 140/184
Smith, Maye 135/176
Smith, Monroe 135/176
Smith, Myrtle 71/181
Smith, N. A. 60c/178
Smith, Nancy 249/181
Smith, Nancy P. 153/177
Smith, Nannie 183/174
Smith, Nannie 60c/178
Smith, Newlin 265/176
Smith, Norma 47c/178
Smith, Norma F. 153/177
Smith, Olive P. 46/185
Smith, Oma C. 126/175
Smith, Ormand 69/181
Smith, P. H. 133/174
Smith, Palmer 162c/178
Smith, R. D. 183/174
Smith, R. L. 126/175
Smith, R. M. 183/174
Smith, Robert 245/181
Smith, Robert 47/177
Smith, Robert A. 111/174
Smith, Robert J. 135/176
Smith, Robert L. 265/176
Smith, Robie 60/179
Smith, Rosa 62/175
Smith, Roy 245/181
Smith, Ruby 60c/178
Smith, S. T. 143/181
Smith, Sadie 175/185
Smith, Sallie 162c/178
Smith, Sallie 225/181
Smith, Sallie L. 220/176
Smith, Sam 185/178
Smith, Sarah 48/177
Smith, Seaton 83c/178
Smith, Shields 225/181
Smith, Sifronia 196/178
Smith, Sophonia M. 217/176
Smith, Susan A. 174/185
Smith, Susie 183/174
Smith, Susie 82c/178
Smith, Tazy 196/178
Smith, Thelma V. 140/184
Smith, Thomas 77/180
Smith, Thomas R. 338/183
Smith, Turner 426/183
Smith, Url 183/174
Smith, Verlie I. 18/180
Smith, W. J. 153/182
Smith, W. P. 139/181
Smith, W. Wallace 225/181
Smith, Walter 47/177
Smith, Walter M. 237/181
Smith, Warren 338/183
Smith, Will H. 28/185
Smith, Will L. 46/185
Smith, William 245/181
Smith, William 71/181
Smith, William L. 266/176
Smyth, James A 89/176
Smyth, James F. 89/176
Smyth, Kovom(?) 89/176
Smyth, Mary R. 89/176
Smyth, Nanie L. 89/176
Smyth, Sudie C. 89/176
Snead, Charles H. 192/177
Snead, John A. 192/177
Sneed, Bunnie/Bennie? 132/185
Sneed, Dora 193/177
Sneed, Edna 193/177
Sneed, Ema S. 193/177
Sneed, Ethel 193/177
Sneed, Henry 132/185
Sneed, Howard 193/177
Sneed, Jane 132/185
Sneed, Jim W. 146/185
Sneed, Martha A. 146/185
Sneed, Patrick 193/177
Sneed, Susan 132/185
Sneed, Thomas L. 193/177
Sneed, Vergie L. 193/177
Sneed, Woody 132/185
Snipes, Alfred 72/174
Snipes, Alpha 72/174
Snipes, Annie 138/180
Snipes, Avis 153+/174
Snipes, Bertha 91/180
Snipes, Bessie L. 181/177
Snipes, Bessie, 168/180
Snipes, Bettie 153+/174
Snipes, Charlie A. 91/180
Snipes, Clifton 374/183
Snipes, Earlie M. 181/177
Snipes, Easter(?) 138/180
Snipes, Ed 172/174
Snipes, Ed 46/175
Snipes, Edgar 72/174
Snipes, Elizabeth 181/177
Snipes, Elizabeth 188/180
Snipes, Elizabeth 91/180
Snipes, Emma 23/180
Snipes, Floyd 172/174
Snipes, Frances 115/176
Snipes, Frederick 282/180
Snipes, Gladys 56/175
Snipes, Glenn 56/175
Snipes, Guy P. 188/180
Snipes, Hardis 138/180
Snipes, Haywood 192/184
Snipes, Hazel 56/175
Snipes, Henry 188/180
Snipes, Ider 153+/174
Snipes, James 168/180
Snipes, James 46/175
Snipes, James Jr. 168/180
Snipes, John 138/180
Snipes, John 153+/174
Snipes, John 91/180
Snipes, John Allen 168/180
Snipes, John H. 181/177
Snipes, Josephine 23/180
Snipes, Katie L. 23/180
Snipes, Laura 56/175
Snipes, Leonard 91/180
Snipes, Lillie 14/183
Snipes, Lizzie 172/174
Snipes, Lizzie 282/180
Snipes, Lizzie 302/179
Snipes, Louis 23/180
Snipes, Maggie 192/184
Snipes, Maggie 46/175
Snipes, Manly 70/174
Snipes, Margaret 168/180
Snipes, Maria 87/175
Snipes, Martha 128/180
Snipes, Mary 153+/174
Snipes, Mary 192/184
Snipes, Mary T. 188/180
Snipes, May 56/175
Snipes, May 70/174
Snipes, Mildred 56/175
Snipes, Monie 374/183
Snipes, Olivia 72/174
Snipes, Ollie 115/181
Snipes, Robert 14/183
Snipes, Robert 168/180
Snipes, Robert 188/180
Snipes, Robt. Jr. 14/183
Snipes, Sam 115/176
Snipes, Sidney 181/177
Snipes, Thom. M. 56/175
Snipes, Thomas 115/181
Snipes, Thomas 282/180
Snipes, Thomas 302/179
Snipes, Vance 115/181
Snipes, Wade 56/175
Snipes, Weldon 115/181
Snipes, William 168/180
Snipes, William 46/175
Snipes, Willie L. 181/177
Snipes, Willow 153+/174
Snipes, Zack T(?). 56/175
Soles, Lee 86c/178
Soles, Minnie 86c/178
Soloman, Clarence 311/181
Soloman, Connie 311/181
Soloman, Dewy 311/181
Soloman, Edgar 311/181
Soloman, Joy 311/181
Soloman, Luna 311/181
Soloman, S. S. 311/181
Soran, Jessie 192/183
Sorrell, Bessie L. 287/180
Sorrell, Eloise 287/180
Sorrell, William 287/180
Southern, Ethel F. 127/183
Southern, James 127/183
Southern, Mary R. 127/183
Sparrow, Albert 68/178
Sparrow, Alfred 142c/178
Sparrow, Annie 236/180
Sparrow, Annie M. 297/180
Sparrow, Barresta 63/178
Sparrow, Bertha 63/178
Sparrow, Bruce W. 123/184
Sparrow, Charlie 142c/178
Sparrow, Charlie 197/180
Sparrow, Col--(?) B. 197/180
Sparrow, Cora 22/178
Sparrow, Coy J. 123/184
Sparrow, Daisy C. 66/180
Sparrow, David W. 225/179
Sparrow, Dora L. 197/180
Sparrow, Effie 225/179
Sparrow, Elizabeth 297/180
Sparrow, Em 55/178
Sparrow, Eric 141c/178
Sparrow, Ernest 297/180
Sparrow, Fannie 297/180
Sparrow, Fred H. 297/180
Sparrow, Fred H. Jr. 297/180
Sparrow, George 191/180
Sparrow, Glenn 125c/178
Sparrow, Herman 48/178
Sparrow, Ira J. 191/180
Sparrow, J. T. 125c/178
Sparrow, J. T. 63/178
Sparrow, J. W. 141c/178
Sparrow, Jas A. 22/178
Sparrow, Jesse F. 197/180
Sparrow, Jessie 81/178
Sparrow, John 297/180
Sparrow, June 81/178
Sparrow, Junius 81/178
Sparrow, Landon 81/178
Sparrow, Laura 123/184
Sparrow, Lessie 297/180
Sparrow, Louicam 63/178
Sparrow, Louis 56/178
Sparrow, Louis L. 123/184
Sparrow, Louise 68/178
Sparrow, Lyddia 55/178
Sparrow, M. W. 142c/178
Sparrow, Mabel M. 197/180
Sparrow, Maggie 22/178
Sparrow, Maggie 81/178
Sparrow, Marion B. 128/184
Sparrow, Mary 143/184
Sparrow, Mary 81/178
Sparrow, Mary C. 143/184
Sparrow, Mattie 141c/178
Sparrow, Minnie 319/180
Sparrow, Minnie 48/178
Sparrow, Mollie C. 128/184
Sparrow, Nancy J. 123/184
Sparrow, Nellie M. 297/180
Sparrow, Norman 142c/178
Sparrow, Odell W. 197/180
Sparrow, Paul 191/180
Sparrow, Percey K. 123/184
Sparrow, Phillip 81/178
Sparrow, Preston W. 66/180
Sparrow, Rebecca 125c/178
Sparrow, Richard W. 297/180
Sparrow, Roy L. 123/184
Sparrow, Ruth 143/184
Sparrow, Samuel J. 297/180
Sparrow, Sankey 142c/178
Sparrow, Seaton 125c/178
Sparrow, Sydney 236/180
Sparrow, Thelma 142c/178
Sparrow, Theodor 68/178
Sparrow, Thomas E. 143/184
Sparrow, Thomas R. 143/184
Sparrow, Thurman 142c/178
Sparrow, Veatrice(?) A. 123/184
Sparrow, Vera 143/184
Sparrow, Vernon 81/178
Sparrow, Violett 142c/178
Sparrow, Vivian 56/178
Sparrow, W. D. 48/178
Sparrow, W. E. 55/178
Sparrow, Waldo 81/178
Sparrow, Wayne O. 66/180
Sparrow, Wescott 66/180
Sparrow, William 81/178
Sparrow, William D. 123/184
Sparrow, William H. 123/184
Sparrow, Zoal 191/180
Spera(?), James A. 235/184
Spera(?), Loye(?) 235/184
Spinner(?), Cora E. 265/180
Spinner(?), Robert B. 265/180
Spivey, Aaron 427/183
Spivey, Ann E. 427/183
Spivey, Bessie 427/183
Spivey, Eli H. 427/183
Spivey, Louis T. 427/183
Spivey, Soraney(?) M. 427/183
Spivey, Walter F. 427/183
Spivey, Willie M. 427/183
Spoon, Bela(?) M. 57/183
Spoon, Earnest 57/183
Spoon, James 57/183
Spoon, James M. 200/183
Spoon, Mabel 57/183
Spoon, Martha E. 200/183
Spoon, Pattie(?) 57/183
Springs, Beatrice 31/181
Springs, Daisy 31/181
Springs, John 31/181
Springs, John 31/181
Springs, Margaret 31/181
Springs, Mildred 31/181
Springs, Silvester 31/181
Spurgeon, Carie M. 98/184
Spurgeon, Carie M. [Dau] 98/184
Spurgeon, Flora C. 98/184
Spurgeon, John S. 98/184
Spurgeon, Mary E. 98/184
Spurgeon, Nattie G. 98/184
Spurgeon, William W. 98/184
Squires, Annie 285/181
Squires, Beulah 70/181
Squires, Clarence 283/181
Squires, David 283/181
Squires, Edna 70/181
Squires, Emmie 285/181
Squires, Eula 283/181
Squires, Eva 41c/178
Squires, Everette 283/181
Squires, Fannie 349/181
Squires, George 70/181
Squires, Helen 426/183
Squires, J. T. 41c/178
Squires, J. W. 199/181
Squires, Jewel(?) 426/183
Squires, Lena 41c/178
Squires, Lucy 199/181
Squires, Margaret 41c/178
Squires, May 426/183
Squires, Mildred 199/181
Squires, Nellie 426/183
Squires, Nelson 70/181
Squires, Rupert 285/181
Squires, S. Clyde 199/181
Squires, T. R. 285/181
Squires, Terie 70/181
Squires, Thomas 41c/178
Squires, Velonia 70/181
Squires, Walter D. 199/181
Stacy, Inez R. 309/180
Stafford, Lilie 127/175
Stafford, Mrs. W. G. 127/175
Standfield, Bertha R. 58/176
Standfield, Fay L. 58/176
Standfield, Jerry 58/176
Standfield, Joe H. 58/176
Standfield, Joe S. 58/176
Standfield, John H. 58/176
Standfield, Robert 58/176
Stanen(?), Annie 13/182
Stanen(?), Charles 13/182
Stanen(?), Ed 13/182
Stanen(?), James 13/182
Stanen(?), Mary 13/182
Stanen(?), Nettie 13/182
Stanen(?), William 13/182
Stanfield, Alice M. 43/182
Stanfield, Emma 43/182
Stanfield, Etel M. 43/182
Stanfield, Eva A. 43/182
Stanfield, James(?) 116/183
Stanfield, Jordon J. 43/182
Stanfield, Mary A. 43/182
Stanfield, Ora B. 43/182
Stanfield, Robert D. 43/182
Stanfield, Rosa 43/182
Stanfield, Ruthy M. 43/182
Stanfield, Thomas W. 43/182
Stanfield, William H. 43/182
Stanford, Amelia 32/175
Stanford, Annie 32/175
Stanford, C. W. 130/174
Stanford, Charles Jr. 130/174
Stanford, Dewey 32/175
Stanford, Elizabeth 130/174
Stanford, Emma 130/174
Stanford, Emma 130/174
Stanford, Jeanette 130/174
Stanford, Lemuel 32/175
Stanford, Lucy 32/175
Stanford, Margaret 130/174
Stanford, S. A. 32/175
Stanley, Buford V. 155/183
Stanley, Charles B. 155/183
Stanley, Pansey 155/183
Stanley, Sally B. 155/183
Statts, Dasey L. 41/184
Statts, Ellis L. 41/184
Statts, Frank D. 41/184
Statts, Georgia M. 41/184
Statts, Guy L. 41/184
Statts, Hary L. 41/184
Statts, Hiram J. 41/184
Statts, Lottie E. 41/184
Statts, Maud E. 41/184
Statts, Myrtle L. 41/184
Statts, Paul D. 41/184
Statts, Schuyler W. 41/184
Statts, Theodore R. 41/184
Staub(?), Herman 303/180
Staub(?), Ona 303/180
Steel, Hiram 96c/178
Steel, Jennie 163$/181
Steel, Mary 96c/178
Stegall, Nelie 3/182
Stegall, W. H. 3/182
Stephens, Addy 10/182
Stephens, Allice 119/183
Stephens, Bertha 10/182
Stephens, Bud 10/182
Stephens, Bula 10/182
Stephens, Cisero 119/183
Stephens, John 10/182
Stephens, Maryan 119/183
Stephens, Nina H. 8/177
Stephens, Ralph R. 8/177
Stephens, Sadie 10/182
Stephens, Thomas 10/182
Stephens, William 10/182
Stephens, William 119/183
Stephens, William T. 119/183
Stephens, Woodrow 10/182
Steward, Ed 184/180
Steward, Ida 184/180
Stewart, Arthur J. 112%/177
Stewart, Charlie T. 86/176
Stewart, John H. 107%/177
Stewart, Lessie M. 112%/177
Stewart, Lewis E. 112%/177
Stewart, Lucile 253/181
Stewart, Mattie W. 107%/177
Stewart, Mollie C. 54/176
Stewart, Pearl M. 86/176
Stewart, Rubell 86/176
Stone, Adlade 102/174
Stone, Alma 250/180
Stone, Annie 44/178
Stone, Bettie 102/174
Stone, Elizabeth 250/180
Stone, Ella D. 113/180
Stone, Fred W. 40/174
Stone, Hagmon 44/178
Stone, Hellen F. 177/183
Stone, Henry L. 40/174
Stone, Howard E. 113/180
Stone, Jarvis 44/178
Stone, Jnior 102/174
Stone, Joanna L. 40/174
Stone, John T. 177/183
Stone, Lenore(?) 102/174
Stone, Lottie 102/174
Stone, Mallie J. 113/180
Stone, Mattie M. 113/180
Stone, McKinly 102/174
Stone, Nora H. 177/183
Stone, Numa 40/174
Stone, Sally J. 177/183
Stone, Samuel 44/178
Stone, Sarah E. 177/183
Stone, Thomas R. 40/174
Stone, Vera 44/178
Stone, William C. 40/174
Stone, William E. 113/180
Stone, William E. 113/180
Stone, William R. 113/180
Stone, William T. 177/183
Stowe, Fannie 235/181
Stowe, John 235/181
Stowe, Lizzie 235/181
Stradwick, Annie N. 131/184
Stram, Cora F. 183/184
Stram, William 183/184
Strayhorn, Algie 124c/178
Strayhorn, Angelow 174/179
Strayhorn, April 29/182
Strayhorn, Ben 23/181
Strayhorn, Carrie 29/182
Strayhorn, Charles 45/184
Strayhorn, Clannie 33/181
Strayhorn, Clarence G. 85/179
Strayhorn, Clarra 117/179
Strayhorn, Cora L. 162/177
Strayhorn, Daisy 174/179
Strayhorn, Eugene 174/179
Strayhorn, George P. 162/177
Strayhorn, Gordon 182/182
Strayhorn, Henry H. 162/177
Strayhorn, Herman 29/182
Strayhorn, Jennie 23/181
Strayhorn, Jobe L. 186/184
Strayhorn, John 124c/178
Strayhorn, John P. 174/179
Strayhorn, Joseph F. 186/184
Strayhorn, Josephine 29/182
Strayhorn, Julia A. 162/177
Strayhorn, Julia E. 186/184
Strayhorn, Katie T. 162/177
Strayhorn, Laurah 124c/178
Strayhorn, Leonia 174/179
Strayhorn, Lizzie A. 186/184
Strayhorn, Lottie A. 162/177
Strayhorn, Louise 174/179
Strayhorn, Madgie 124c/178
Strayhorn, Martha 45/182
Strayhorn, Mary 85/179
Strayhorn, Nannie 29/182
Strayhorn, Nellie 135c/178
Strayhorn, Oscar 33/181
Strayhorn, Pattie 182/182
Strayhorn, Rod 33/181
Strayhorn, Sarah E. 162/177
Strayhorn, Sidney 29/182
Strayhorn, Terry 135c/178
Strayhorn, Thelma 85/179
Strayhorn, W--ia (male) 29/182
Strayhorn, William 124c/178
Strayhorn, William 29/182
Strayhorn, William B. 162/177
Strayhorn, Winston 29/182
Strickland, Lillie 41/183
Strickland, Lillie O. 166/184
Strickland, Maggie 166/184
Strickland, Maggie 41/183
Strickland, Ora L. 166/184
Strickland, Ora L. 41/183
Strickland, Ruth 41/183
Strickland, Ruth J. 166/184
Strickland, William 166/184
Strickland, Willie 41/183
Strong, Minnie 220/180
Stroud, Alexander 165/180
Stroud, Alexander Jr. 165/180
Stroud, Bettie 90/180
Stroud, Bruce 242/180
Stroud, Catherine 167/180
Stroud, Chamber 165/180
Stroud, Ella 7/180
Stroud, Elsie 165/180
Stroud, Etta 82/180
Stroud, Etta 82/180
Stroud, George 167/180
Stroud, Harry 165/180
Stroud, Jennie 85/180
Stroud, Jesse R. 187/180
Stroud, Katie 167/180
Stroud, Louis 82/180
Stroud, Lucile 82/180
Stroud, Mattie A. (dau) 242/180
Stroud, Mattie A. 242/180
Stroud, Minnie 165/180
Stroud, Nannie 108/180
Stroud, Robert 165/180
Stroud, Robert 82/180
Stroud, Robert Lee Jr. 242/180
Stroud, Rosa J. 165/180
Stroud, Wescott 165/180
Stroud, William T. 82/180
Stroud, Winder 85/180
Stroud, Winford 167/180
Strowd, A. F. 173/174
Strowd, Adline 173/174
Strowd, Albert 73/179
Strowd, Amos 204c/178
Strowd, Annie 251/178
Strowd, Arthur 204c/178
Strowd, Blanche 167/174
Strowd, Callie 203c/178
Strowd, Callie 204c/178
Strowd, Carrie 38/175
Strowd, Clara 73/179
Strowd, Clyde 211c/178
Strowd, Cornelia 204c/178
Strowd, Della 251/178
Strowd, Dwight 251/178
Strowd, Edman 167/174
Strowd, F. F. 167/174
Strowd, Fletcher 204c/178
Strowd, Genivive 296/179
Strowd, Ida 73/179
Strowd, Irene 167/174
Strowd, J. Henry 296/179
Strowd, James 38/175
Strowd, James A. 203c/178
Strowd, John 73/179
Strowd, Julia 211c/178
Strowd, Julius 73/179
Strowd, Leo 211c/178
Strowd, Livie 167/174
Strowd, Louce(?) 38/175
Strowd, Lula 251/178
Strowd, Mack M. 251/178
Strowd, Malisa 73/179
Strowd, Mamie 211c/178
Strowd, Marier 167/174
Strowd, May 191c/178
Strowd, Rubie 167/174
Strowd, Thomas 211c/178
Strowd, Thomas 251/178
Strowd, W. M. 175/182
Stuart(?), Cora S. 4/184
Stubbins, Raeford 78/175
Stubbins, W. H. 78/175
Studebaker, Ethel 78/181
Studebaker, Robert 78/181
Studyvant, William 171/180
Sturdivan, Clarence 167c/178
Sturdivan, Joanna 167c/178
Sturdivan, L. R. 167c/178
Sturdivan, Sendy 167c/178
Sturgis, Carrie 119/184
Sturyvant, Nancie 171/180
Suggs, Charlie C. 240/180
Suggs, Lerna G. 240/180
Suggs, Myrtle G. 240/180
Suggs, Tolita 58/180
Suggs, William W. 240/180
Suit, Esther 48/175
Suit, Jno. A. 48/175
Suit, Mary Elizabeth 48/175
Suit, Nannie 48/175
Suit, Willie L. 48/175
Suitt, Charles 11c/178
Suitt, Chas 31c/178
Suitt, Jessica 11c/178
Suitt, Leroy 187c/178
Suitt, Ruffin D. 24/179
Suitt, Zena 31c/178
Summey, Alvirta 163/184
Summey, Thomas O. 163/184
Sumner, Cornelius 254/176
Surles, Charly 117/184
Surles, Dora 117/184
Surles, Jesse 117/184
Surratt, Rev H. F. 77/181
Suson(?), Susan 194/184
Swain(?), Edward 282/180
Swain(?), Lucy 281/180
Swain, Ed 303/179
Swain, Lucy 303/179
Swann, Francis 158/181
Swann, Fred 158/181
Swann, Henrietta 126/175
Swann, Nannie 158/181
Swann, Nannie 158/181
Swann, Rufus 126/175
Swann, Thelma 126/175
Swann, Thomas 126/175
Sweetson(?), Carrie 155/181
Sweetson(?), Eugene 155/181
Sweetson(?), Katherine 155/181
Sweetson(?), Portia 155/181
Sweetson(?), Robert 155/181
Sykes, A. G. 194/181
Sykes, Ada 72/181
Sykes, Addie 59/175
Sykes, Agnes 155/175
Sykes, Albert 63/175
Sykes, Alice 150#/181
Sykes, Alice 193/181
Sykes, Alice C. 130/175
Sykes, Alma 332/181
Sykes, Annie 69/183
Sykes, Annie B. 63/175
Sykes, Annie Belle 297/181
Sykes, Annie E. 72/183
Sykes, Annie M. 155/175
Sykes, Arthur 195/181
Sykes, Aubrey H. 297/181
Sykes, Authan 172/175
Sykes, Bessie 273/181
Sykes, Bessie 332/181
Sykes, Bettie 172/175
Sykes, Bettie 332/181
Sykes, Beulah 93/175
Sykes, Broadie 105/174
Sykes, Bruce 156/175
Sykes, Bryant W. 156/175
Sykes, C. H. 143/175
Sykes, Carl 332/181
Sykes, Caroline 202/181
Sykes, Castel 143/175
Sykes, Charley 205/181
Sykes, Charlie F. 139/175
Sykes, Cheatam 332/181
Sykes, Chester 301/181
Sykes, Clara 63/175
Sykes, Clarence 332/181
Sykes, Claud 193/181
Sykes, Claud G. 83/175
Sykes, Claud H. 105/174
Sykes, Clyde 72/181
Sykes, Collie 83/175
Sykes, Conway 96/174
Sykes, D. H. 140/175
Sykes, Daisy 296/181
Sykes, Dellia 82/181
Sykes, Dozie 69/183
Sykes, E. H. 59/175
Sykes, Ed 96/174
Sykes, Edna 93/175
Sykes, Edna 96/174
Sykes, Emma 324/181
Sykes, Ernest 202/181
Sykes, Essie 155/175
Sykes, Ethel 143/175
Sykes, Ethel 72c/178
Sykes, Eugene 96/174
Sykes, Eva 140/175
Sykes, Fannie 143/175
Sykes, Fannie 301/181
Sykes, Fannie G. 72/183
Sykes, Florida 260/181
Sykes, Floyd 63/175
Sykes, Francis 296/181
Sykes, Frank 72c/178
Sykes, G. W. 202/181
Sykes, George W. 63/175
Sykes, Graham 72c/178
Sykes, Harold 296/181
Sykes, Harvy L. 130/175
Sykes, Hedni(?) T. 301/181
Sykes, Hellen 296/181
Sykes, Ida 121/175
Sykes, Irving 332/181
Sykes, J. Albert 205/181
Sykes, J. B. 130/175
Sykes, J. F. 130/175
Sykes, J. R. 172/175
Sykes, J. W. 156/175
Sykes, Jack J. 301/181
Sykes, James 69/183
Sykes, James H. 130/175
Sykes, James R. 154/175
Sykes, Jesse 273/181
Sykes, Jno T. 133/175
Sykes, John 171c/178
Sykes, John 193/181
Sykes, John W. 213/181
Sykes, Johnnie 72c/178
Sykes, Johnson 324/181
Sykes, Joseph G. 83/175
Sykes, Judas 193/181
Sykes, Julia 322/181
Sykes, L N. 93/175
Sykes, L. Edward 297/181
Sykes, L. W(?). 93/175
Sykes, Lacy 143/175
Sykes, Lacy 322/181
Sykes, Lilly 324/181
Sykes, Lizza 194/181
Sykes, Louise 324/181
Sykes, Louise J. 297/181
Sykes, Loyd 72c/178
Sykes, Lucele 150#/181
Sykes, Luna 83/175
Sykes, Mabel 296/181
Sykes, Mamie 195/181
Sykes, Mamie 63/175
Sykes, Mangum 156/175
Sykes, Manly 93/175
Sykes, Margaret 72/181
Sykes, Margie S. 156/175
Sykes, Marshal 128/175
Sykes, Martha 83/175
Sykes, Martha E. 154/175
Sykes, Martha E. 155/175
Sykes, Marvin 194/181
Sykes, Mary 202/181
Sykes, Mary 72/181
Sykes, Mary E. 205/181
Sykes, Mary E. 85/175
Sykes, Maud 324/181
Sykes, Mildrew G. 297/181
Sykes, Minnie A. 143/175
Sykes, Minnie L. 93/175
Sykes, Mrs. S. A. 139/175
Sykes, Murphy 72/183
Sykes, Nance B. 128/175
Sykes, Nannie 213/181
Sykes, Nathan 150#/181
Sykes, Nelsie 155/175
Sykes, Nora 105/174
Sykes, Norella 105/174
Sykes, Odell 202/181
Sykes, Ora W. 297/181
Sykes, Pauline 121/175
Sykes, Pearl 133/175
Sykes, R. S. 150#/181
Sykes, Rachel 82/181
Sykes, Ralph 114/175
Sykes, Ralph 296/181
Sykes, Rathan(?) 121/175
Sykes, Robena 82/181
Sykes, Robert 202/181
Sykes, Roland 82/181
Sykes, Rosa 324/181
Sykes, Rosa 96/174
Sykes, Rose Katrine 260/181
Sykes, Ruby 72c/178
Sykes, Rulia A. 156/175
Sykes, Safronia 121/175
Sykes, Salene 133/175
Sykes, Sallie E. 130/175
Sykes, Sallie Jane 193/181
Sykes, Samuel 63/175
Sykes, Selina 121/175
Sykes, Selina E. 156/175
Sykes, Stephen 82/181
Sykes, Stewart 296/181
Sykes, Teressa 83/175
Sykes, Thelma 155/175
Sykes, Thomas 156/175
Sykes, Thomas W. 139/175
Sykes, Ugene 205/181
Sykes, Virger 155/175
Sykes, Virginia 133/175
Sykes, W. E. 273/181
Sykes, W. G. 121/175
Sykes, W. J. 260/181
Sykes, W. S. 155/175
Sykes, William 205/181
Sykes, William 260/181
Sykes, William P. 154/175
Sykes, Yvonne 104#/181
Not to be reproduced in any medium (print, CD, Internet, etc.) for sale to the public without the explicit written permission of the Durham-Orange Genealogical Society. Copies printed or retained in data format for personal use must include this notice.