Durham-Orange Genealogical Society
Durham-Orange Genealogical Society
Surname and One-Place Studies for Your Family History Research
 by Taneya Koonce
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 7:00PM
Everyone's family tree has many surnames, but is there value is focusing on just one?  Please join us on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00 PM ONLINE ONLY via Zoom, to hear Taneya Koonce present Surname and One-Place Studies for Your Family History Research.  
As genealogical researchers start going back in their family tree, they soon realize that the number of surnames (typically) doubles each generation, and one is just as important as the next especially when it comes to our DNA.  But, there is still something about researching "your" family name – the one you were born with.  It ends up there is value and information that can be gleaned by focusing on a single name and even a single location for that name.  Taneya will discuss "one name studies", how they operate, and the benefit of participating in them.
Online access information will be mailed to D-OGS members prior to the meeting